We make it easy for the bride to look Good!

The fast forward pre bridal makeup includes several services that would make you feel special and perhaps a celebrity. The package includes a host of makeup options that include facial bleach, facial as per your skin type, top-up mask, pedicure/manicure d-tan pack, pedicure, manicure, full body wax, full body bleach, full body pack, threading, upper lips, and bikini wax. You can add or remove any services from this list to further customise your fast forward bridal makeup.

It is advisable undertake the fast forward bridal makeup at least two months before your wedding day. It will take a lot of preparation and involves multiple procedures. Make sure that you are always hydrated and have enough sleep for the best results. It is also advisable to be stress free.

You can also get in touch with Meenakshi makeovers for a better combo or customised offer.

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